RRRL12b: Self-Reiki Ho’oponopono and Cord-Cutting Meditation for Forgiveness of Others and Self

Welcome to this guided, under 30 minute, self-reiki meditation, for Reiki practitioners. In this meditation, we will be using the powerful frequencies of Reiki, the Reiki 2 or higher symbols, combined with the beautiful, yet powerful, Hawaiian forgiveness meditation called Ho’oponopono.

This is a companion meditation to episode 12, where we learned about letting go of unforgiveness , and how it can keep us from progressing in life, and as a healer. This meditation focuses on either you forgiving someone, or asking for forgiveness from someone else. You can also adapt this meditation to focus  forgiving yourself for a situation in your life which you are having trouble forgiving yourself. We also utilize a powerful cord cutting ceremony in this meditation, to truly free ourselves of any energetic cords that might be draining us, and contributing to unhappiness.