RRRL12: The Sacred Act of Forgiveness of Self, and Others, Using a Powerful Forgiveness Method Called Ho’opnopono

As healers, or as people who have embraced the spiritual path, we all know the importance of healing ourselves. One of the elements of healing ourselves is forgiveness ; forgiveness towards others, and forgiveness towards self.

In this episode will not be discussing so much as to  why it is important to forgive ourselves and others, (most of us know why this is important who have embraced this path)  but rather, we will be  focusing on how to go about doing so, utilizing a very powerful and healing Hawaiian method called Ho’oponopono.

We will be discussing this beautiful practice, and why it works so well, and in the companion episode, I will guide you through a meditation featuring an  adaptation of this meditation, where we will utilize the power of self-reiki, and also include cord cutting at the very end. This is a powerfully healing meditation that you do not want to miss!