RRL: There are Many Paths to Healing, Including Illness. Finding Strength and Self-Love During Moments of Illness

Welcome! In this episode, we are going to discuss how illness can actually be our ally. Many of us healers suffer from some kind of  illness, and this can bring a myriad of emotions (some of which are not always conducive to our healing path!)

In this episode, we are going to discuss ways we can help ourselves move forward towards healing when we feel like we just can’t take our physical illness anymore.

Inspiration for today’s podcast goes to Reiki Rays author, Angie Webster. She actually wrote an article on this exact same thing on the Reiki Rays website. It really resonated with me because these are the very things I had to learn in my own healing journey with chronic illness, and couldn’t find the right words to articulate it.  I know many of us healers suffer from some kind of chronic pain or illness, and I hope this subject resonates with many of you.

You are a perfect, Divine vessel of love, no matter your physical health challenges! We also discuss this in length! Don’t forget the companion meditation designed specifically for this episode, in moving towards a path of healing, when you are in the midst of a great health challenge.

If you are interested in Angie’s  article, go to: http://reikirays.com/36718/many-paths-healing-including-illness/