Sound Vibrational Reiki Healing
Without CertificationThis version is for the Reiki practitioner who plans on using this course for mostly themselves, or on family and loved ones. No certificate is awarded in this version. Tuning forks are not included in class registration and must be purchased separately.
Sound Vibrational Reiki Healing (with certification)
With CertificationThis version is the same as the uncertified version, but it includes a beautiful, PDF Sound Vibrational Reiki Practitioner certificate emailed to you upon completion of the course, and passing a 30 question quiz at the end of the course, with a grade of 80% or better. This version is for the serious Reiki practitioner, who practices professionally, or plans on practicing professionally, and wants to proudly display their certificate, as a way to show potential and existing clients, your achievements and qualifications in Sound Vibrational Reiki Healing. We do not use the word “online” or “online course” on our certificates! Tuning forks are not included in class registration and much be purchased separately.